Sunday, July 7, 2013

More Control

First, I make no bones about it.  I'm a full figured woman.  I've had a weight complex since before I was four years old, and I wasn't even overweight then, but I listened to enough comments that it truly did become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and now I simply don't care.  I eat healthy, I'm more active than women half my age, and I like the way I am.  I don't want to lose any significant amount of weight.  To get to the real heart of the matter though; this article isn't about me, it's about the decision that will rule and control and have Americans living in fear.

I'm wondering, since the AMA has now determined that obesity is a disease, if there isn't a Big Pharma that has finally come up with a weight management pill.  We'd be looking at billions upon billions for a profit margin, and just imagine the kick-backs!

To call obesity a disease means doctors, insurance, and now government mandate will have even more control in the life of "we the people."  So, will this be the avenue to some sort of medicare plan for the elderly obese to receive forced care or allow them to die with dignity when the disease is termed incurable?

Next, we have to address the fact this will now play into insurance coverage in group plans, because since it is a disease now, that means surgeries that were not covered by insurance, now will be.  Statistically, every group of three has 1 obese member, so we are looking at outrageous premiums as mandated insurance goes into place in the near future.

Both of these issues don't hold a candle to my real concern.  How many children are going to end up in state custody because their parent's are "neglecting" this medical condition?

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