Sunday, May 26, 2013

Interesting Read . . .

I saw a link to a praise report by a man who claimed he G-d gave him a miracle healing through a change of diet and natural supplements in an article entitled Prostate Cancer - Stage 4

It begins like many things with a bit of a medical history leading up to the poor prognosis then a testimonial.
I couldn't find this anywhere in mainstream media, but I didn't find the Monsanto march either, so I did a people search and found this man to be now, 63 years old.

I am not offering verification, but simply information for those who may choose outside of traditional medicine. Since our "farmacist is in" article for this week addresses the subject of detoxing and this article also included dandelion root tea, I suggest we all consider that before faced with a horrible diagnosis with a dismal prognosis.

The testimonial begins:
My name is John Curry, I am 62 years old and I live in Duncan, Oklahoma. I’m telling my story in hopes that it might save you some time, money and misery.

I’m not too good with time lines, but I figure it was about two years ago (around October 2010) when my back began to hurt. I found that I would be standing in line at Wal-Mart, or the post office and suddenly I’d have extreme pain in my left hip. I went to the chiropractor several times but got very little relief. On some occasions, the pain was so bad that I was reduced to crawling on the floor, or using a walker or a cane to get around. (Full Story)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Disease Prevention

Included in this article is a link with some pretty amazing claims. Although I cannot speak with certainty regarding specific illnesses or damage already in existence from previous poor habits, I do know any change toward healthier eating and activities is going to improve the quality of life.

We do know a healthy diet is foundational to a healthy body. Most of us also know, medications are not curatives, nor are they actually healthy for the body. Most medications are poison and when it comes down to life threatening diseases, many of those medications will actually attack the cells of the body itself, hoping to kill and eliminate the unhealthy cells before the healthy cells succumb to the disease or the treatment.

Most approved cancer treatments are quite toxic to the body, but the hope is the treatment will also be toxic to the cancerous cells.
There is not a medication on the market that doesn't also come with warnings and possible side effects. Keep in mind, just because side effects are not apparent, it does not mean there is not a detrimental effect on the body at some level. Our days are numbered and the best way to be healthy through those numbered days is disease prevention through healthy habits.

Medicine doesn't repair the damage done by an unhealthy lifestyle

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Most prescriptions are poison, that's why they are regulated by dosage. If it isn't natural, your body was not created to process it.

Pills can Kill

Fear of death is truly keeping many people bound to the very thing that just may be lethal.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Hospital Plague

The rider on the palor horse is crossing the earth and we are beginning to see the evidence. Many are waking up to the fact medicine is not health care. Medicine is sick care and medicine is falling behind. I'm so glad to see others finally questioning and possibly linking vaccines to auto-immune issues and autism. It's a shame there is so much illness before we wake up! Next on the list of health care is hospitals. Through the years we've heard about various infections following a surgery or hospitalization, but those used to be isolated incidents. Now, it's practically expected to need some sort of treatment for a secondary issue that was contracted through the hospitalization. I still can't believe a civilized society has found the most bacteria laden environment, teeming with infection to bring little babies into the world. Why are babies born in hospitals? I'd think the only place with potentially more bacteria would be a Corporate Poultry Farm. Our vaccines have toxins, our hospitals are loaded with germs and bacteria, and now we're creating super bugs by doling out anti-biotics like candy. We wonder why our health care costs are so expensive and our standard of health is so poor? Medicine is not health care. Proper diet, exercise, and rest is health care and our Creator has said He's our healer. Medicine is sick care!