Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Hospital Plague

The rider on the palor horse is crossing the earth and we are beginning to see the evidence. Many are waking up to the fact medicine is not health care. Medicine is sick care and medicine is falling behind. I'm so glad to see others finally questioning and possibly linking vaccines to auto-immune issues and autism. It's a shame there is so much illness before we wake up! Next on the list of health care is hospitals. Through the years we've heard about various infections following a surgery or hospitalization, but those used to be isolated incidents. Now, it's practically expected to need some sort of treatment for a secondary issue that was contracted through the hospitalization. I still can't believe a civilized society has found the most bacteria laden environment, teeming with infection to bring little babies into the world. Why are babies born in hospitals? I'd think the only place with potentially more bacteria would be a Corporate Poultry Farm. Our vaccines have toxins, our hospitals are loaded with germs and bacteria, and now we're creating super bugs by doling out anti-biotics like candy. We wonder why our health care costs are so expensive and our standard of health is so poor? Medicine is not health care. Proper diet, exercise, and rest is health care and our Creator has said He's our healer. Medicine is sick care!

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