Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Cost of a Broken Arm

When the meme crossed my newsfeed, I was immediately reminded of 2012.
 I broke my arm twice in a matter of just a few months.  Now, you might be skeptical, since I didn't have an Xray, but I had a certified OSHA safety engineer tell me it was broken and I needed to go to the ER.  The second time, even though I was blessed with a testimonial, the fracture was compound, so there was no need for an Xray.

I'm saying all that to say this . . . I spent $4.99 on Sure Flex elastic wrap from the Farm Store, twice . . .  I used the Sure Flex to secure a hot pad and dish towel around my arm for a few weeks.  I'm practically as good as new.  Truth be told, at 56 years old, nothing is as good as new, but my mended arm is in no worse shape than the rest of me.

  • Without health insurance, diagnosis and non-surgical treatment for a broken arm typically costs up to $2,500 or more. For example, a forearm X-ray costs an average of $190, according to[1] , but some radiology centers charge $1,000 or more. And application of an arm splint costs $201 to $239, or application of a forearm or upper arm cast costs $228 to$242 not including the doctor fee at Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center[2] in Lincoln, Nebraska. A typical doctor fee for non-surgical treatment of a fracture would include $90 to $200for the office visit and from $250 to $950 for treatment, according to Carolina Orthopaedic Surgery Associates[3] . According to the Minnesota Council of Health Plans, non-surgical treatment for a broken arm typically costs about $2,523.

Now, in all this comparative information, I'd like to add my personal economic factor.  In dealing with the pain, and I won't kid you, bone pain is excruciating; I created a formula which has been the foundation for my latest trademarked products under the Goshen Label . . .

CHINICREEN was the first of what is now a full line of natural formulas containing essential oils and herbal extracts!  

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