Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle is Health Care

I think insurance of all types has served to remove or cushion the sense of personal responsibility off of the individual and placed our potential liability into a pool of collateral damage.  I'm kind of wondering with all the big storms and insurance claims in the past several years, if ACA isn't going to put our health in jeopardy to bail out the insurance companies for replacing our "stuff!"

This Obamacare or Affordable Health Care is not going to be changed any time soon in Washington.  Congress has no motivation to change it, since none of them are stuck with it.  The only way to "combat" this Affordable Care Act is to get healthy and remain healthy outside of dependence upon the system.  We've got to stop giving our individual control to people who do not have our best interest at heart.  Our Creator does have our best interest at heart, and He's given us instruction for our health.

Here are some good basic ideas for a healthy diet.  Increase your intake of vegetables, lean meat and eggs.  Avoid processed foods.  Consider fast food, cigarettes, and energy drinks to be in the same category: Unhealthy!

When you do have a health issue arise, consider an "alternative" course of action. Many of the modalities we consider to be "alternative" have actually been around since Bible times and have served people well throughout the centuries.  Keep in mind, modern medicine is called "modern" for a reason.  Modern medicine may be keeping many living longer, but few are living healthier!

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