Sunday, November 3, 2013


Let's discuss insurance for just a moment.  Health insurance isn't really that, at all.  Health insurance is a good diet, exercise, rest, and following a health plan.  The label health insurance is like life insurance, it doesn't pay until there is no health or there is no life and it never pays the one who is covered on the policy.  Perhaps if we used the actual terms we'd get a better grasp.  What our politicians are forcing on us is "sick insurance." While what we call life insurance is actually "death insurance."

With that insurance fact established, doesn't it seem that insurance, especially health insurance is really like a wager against being healthy?  Doesn't it seem like a lack of faith?  I realize we have mandated insurance on cars and mortgaged homes, but that's insurance on money and material possessions.  Car insurance is just that, it's insurance to replace your car or one of some else.  Mortgage insurance is to pay off a mortgage in the event the house is no longer livable, so you don't have to pay for something you can't live in.  Most people do weigh out the value between full coverage and state requirement according to the age of their vehicle and the replacement cost.  It's all figured on money.  But health insurance doesn't replace health and life insurance sure won't keep you breathing.

Although health insurance is really just about money also, it shouldn't be.  Health is about people.  It truly seems to me that medicine has already lost or laid down it's power, ages ago.  Medicine seems to serve two purposes now.  It is an arm of control for the government and sales and distribution for Big Pharma.  It is funded, however; by insurance.

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