Controlling the food is obviously a way to control the people, but health care is truly sheople control. In America people are so afraid of death, they will submit to all sorts of invasive procedures. Since pediatricians have been intimidating young mothers for three generations, the programming is now firmly entrenched . . .
The fact that this quote was in an article in the finance section of yahoo news, is troubling yet illuminating. I haven't yet gained the insight to know whether this is:
A. the back handed move for a single source of health insurance in the US.
B. a new choke hold on the insurance commission
C. the realization that this plan is completely underfunded
D. truly poor leadership
E. or really precise planning for calamity.
What I do know is, this public claiming of responsibility and acknowledging the citizen's loss of trust isn't really taking responsibility or earning any trust. From the time it became trendy to acknowledge a mea culpa, irresponsibility truly became socially acceptable and sadly, applauded.
>>>Obama, for his part, made clear he would continue to fight ongoing attempts to sink the whole program, saying, "I will not accept proposals that are just another brazen attempt to undermine or repeal the overall law and drag us back into a broken system."
For a fuller view of this debacle the link to the article is included. The President's statement just truly caught my attention in that he has no regard for the old broken system. For something to be broken, the implication is that it once functioned. Our President, on the other hand, is determined to build a new system that doesn't work from the beginning!
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