Sunday, October 13, 2013

Speaking Out Against Wrong

The religious transplants have learned a new Hebrew word, and frankly, I'm sick of it.  Since I use the term, "sick" seems the best place to write about it is here in medicine is not health care.

Lashon hara is directly translated "evil tongue."  It seems disagreeing with some folks is construed to be speaking evil and now we have gossip lumped in there, and even referenced to those who are posting some alternative news, as well.  Who knew there'd be as much religious judgment on the web as the local gathering?  The difference?  It's 24/7.  That's right even the Sabbath keepers have plenty of opinions to post.  I've been guilty of sharing my opinion on Sabbath, myself, yet I digress.

Back to this "evil tongue" or "speaking evil."
Flu shots go in this category, as far as I'm concerned, well actually I include all vaccines, but that's an observation for another article.  I want to address flu shots and our choice to listen to the statistics of choice, because I believe that is where the evil truly lies.

Statistically, over 6,000 Americans die daily.  That is over twice the number that died on 9/11 . . . every day.

The CDC gives some interestingly vague flu statistics  that really seem much more like lashon hara than prevention.  But then, again, I'm an alternative news source and herbalist, not to mention religious fanatic!

According to the CDC only five to twenty percent of Americans contract the flu through the average flu season.  I realize we have two schools of thought from here.  There are those who say, without the flu shots, the numbers would be greater and those who say, the shots don't really change the stats, as the flu season is simply inevitable.

There is one set of stats, however that are chosen to be ignored and those are the stats regarding sudden death after receiving a flu shot.  The article below actually states in no uncertain terms, that a fatal reaction to a flu shot is automatically considered so rare, it is not even considered.

Ruling out potentially vital information is not lashon hara, I suppose, but calling attention to the fact that it is withheld, is not lashon hara, either.

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