Medicine is not health care, it's a part of law enforcement, here in my neck o' the woods. From what I understand, what used to be a simple over the counter cold symptom medication is a main ingredient of an illegal substance known as "meth." So, to address the illegal manufacturing and use of meth, the over the counter medication is regulated. I truly think a lot of the War on Drugs, is not so much about health or addiction as it is to reduce the competition for Big Pharma. I have definite doubts about any authority that places a concoction made of household cleaning chemicals and cough syrup in the same category as an herb.
The federal laws were added to the USA Patriot Act when it was signed again at some point. Most states have laws to regulate this, as well, some quite stringent. Of course, there will always be one more way to make something that isn't good for you. As health care becomes more and more governmentally regulated through law enforcement and now the health care mandate, what happens to free will and choice about our own bodies?
I'm not suggesting that we ignore amateur chemists who harm themselves by cooking up poison to put in their bodies, but where do we draw the line? How much government control do we want to make sure everyone does the same thing, either by moral conviction or by coercive mandate?
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