Sunday, October 27, 2013

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs?

I couldn't help but notice a similarity to two symbols that I find quite troubling.  Obama's sign, and yes, he does have his own symbol and the Prison Health Care Corporation.

that is gaining contracts right and left.  Here I thought it had been the Republicans who were making money off the privatized Prison Industry, but clearly I stand corrected.  Corizon is headquartered in my state, and the way I discovered this troubling aspect of health care were of course the complaints.  Even UPWORTHY, which is pure Progressive promotion had nothing good to say about this Corporation.

If the new health care plan for the rest of us is as wonderful as what I've heard about this Corporation, I'll be more than happy to pay the fine to avoid the whole mess.
The Prison Industry is big business in this country, and I now see why one of the allowable exemptions from Obamacare is incarceration.  If I'm reading the signs correctly, "The Powers that Be" have you in or out! 

So, at the risk of sounding like a Conspiracy Theorist, could this be the "O" in the New World Order?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Not Tested on Animals

By now, we should all be aware of what this statement is truly saying.  When new products are presented, especially in beauty products or health and pharmaceuticals, and the statement "not tested on animals" is on the label, that means it's tested on people . . .

For a time, folks could actually sell their bodies for testing, or I guess rent their bodies to a lab for certain studies, but it would seem as the economy tightens, the drug tests are becoming more lax, or the patients themselves are the guinea pigs.  That has also been going on for some time with subsidies for new pharmaceuticals, but the patients were aware of the risk.

The following articles seem to indicate greater risk is being taken in the trials . . .

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Speaking Out Against Wrong

The religious transplants have learned a new Hebrew word, and frankly, I'm sick of it.  Since I use the term, "sick" seems the best place to write about it is here in medicine is not health care.

Lashon hara is directly translated "evil tongue."  It seems disagreeing with some folks is construed to be speaking evil and now we have gossip lumped in there, and even referenced to those who are posting some alternative news, as well.  Who knew there'd be as much religious judgment on the web as the local gathering?  The difference?  It's 24/7.  That's right even the Sabbath keepers have plenty of opinions to post.  I've been guilty of sharing my opinion on Sabbath, myself, yet I digress.

Back to this "evil tongue" or "speaking evil."
Flu shots go in this category, as far as I'm concerned, well actually I include all vaccines, but that's an observation for another article.  I want to address flu shots and our choice to listen to the statistics of choice, because I believe that is where the evil truly lies.

Statistically, over 6,000 Americans die daily.  That is over twice the number that died on 9/11 . . . every day.

The CDC gives some interestingly vague flu statistics  that really seem much more like lashon hara than prevention.  But then, again, I'm an alternative news source and herbalist, not to mention religious fanatic!

According to the CDC only five to twenty percent of Americans contract the flu through the average flu season.  I realize we have two schools of thought from here.  There are those who say, without the flu shots, the numbers would be greater and those who say, the shots don't really change the stats, as the flu season is simply inevitable.

There is one set of stats, however that are chosen to be ignored and those are the stats regarding sudden death after receiving a flu shot.  The article below actually states in no uncertain terms, that a fatal reaction to a flu shot is automatically considered so rare, it is not even considered.

Ruling out potentially vital information is not lashon hara, I suppose, but calling attention to the fact that it is withheld, is not lashon hara, either.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A New Twist in the War on Drugs

Medicine is not health care, it's a part of law enforcement, here in my neck o' the woods.  From what I understand, what used to be a simple over the counter cold symptom medication is a main ingredient of an illegal substance known as "meth."  So, to address the illegal manufacturing and use of meth, the over the counter medication is regulated.  I truly think a lot of the War on Drugs, is not so much about health or addiction as it is to reduce the competition for Big Pharma.  I have definite doubts about any authority that places a concoction made of household cleaning chemicals and cough syrup in the same category as an herb.

The federal laws were added to the USA Patriot Act when it was signed again at some point.  Most states have laws to regulate this, as well, some quite stringent.  Of course, there will always be one more way to make something that isn't good for you.  As health care becomes more and more governmentally regulated through law enforcement and now the health care mandate, what happens to free will and choice about our own bodies?

I'm not suggesting that we ignore amateur chemists who harm themselves by cooking up poison to put in their bodies, but where do we draw the line?  How much government control do we want to make sure everyone does the same thing, either by moral conviction or by coercive mandate?