Sunday, August 4, 2013

Something to Consider

. . . While we still can think clearly.  Have you ever wondered about the rise in Alzheimer's and dementia?  For a time I just attributed it to people living longer and it was inevitable that the brain, being an organ, would give out just like a heart, or any other organ.  I truly thought it was just a matter of genetics, diet, and lifestyle in the early years that determined which organs gave out first.  Add to that an extended life expectancy from artificial means, and you're bound to have more cases of everything in an aging population that isn't really healthier at all, but rather; preserved.  "Better living through chemistry," as the saying goes.

 What I hadn't taken into consideration until about twenty years ago, was the devastating effect medications can have on our thought process and memory.  I never considered how much of our aging population was taking medications that really had not been tested in long term use, because these drugs simply have not been in existence long enough to know the long term effect.

Over the counter drugs are, in my opinion, highly over used.  Because they are obtainable without prescription, many people consider them to hold no long term effect.  We simply do not really know the potential.  Then add to that, the drinking water that contains pharmaceuticals along with memory altering chemicals and we may have a better understanding of the increase in Alzheimer's and dementia.  The increase in cases may be a simple line of cause and effect from the chemicals we ingest over the years, believing them to be harmless.

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