Medications come with dosage instruction for a very good reason. Most chemical medications are poison. The base theory behind a prescription is to kill a bacteria, quash a symptom, or dull a pain. The purpose of medication is destruction, and the hope is the destruction of what ever the target will improve the health. Interesting premise, I say.
We accept that chemo therapy to treat cancer is truly poison aimed at killing the mutated cells of the tumor before the tumor takes over the organ in which it is located, and hopefully without killing too many normal cells. Chemo-therapy is considered the "big guns" of the pharmaceutical industry, but the reality is, all prescriptions are chemically based therapy, thus; chemo-therapy.
I entered the term Chemo into my WordWeb dictionary and this is what I found.
Chemo: The use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
Here is the definition of the therapy from the same source.
Therapy: (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.)
ex: "heat therapy gave the best relief"
I found it interesting that the example of the use of the word wasn't based upon medication at all, but simple practicality that has worked for years.
Of course, natural remedies can be misused and abused, and we know there are some poisonous plants, but unlike pharmaceuticals, the majority of herbs and plants are not toxic. With nearly 100,000 deaths a year from medication errors, it is only logical to consider whether or not we truly want to use poison in our health care.